Are you Team Elinore or Team Marianne? This year's AGM (about to start!) is all about Sense and Sensibility, so, like so many others this summer, we've been reading up on our favorite sisters! A close reading helped us to understand the issues surrounding the Dashwood women losing their home and finding themselves in a new and different setting with perfectly charming neighbors, as well as Lucy Steele's cold-hearted treatment of Elinore.
Now, we're ready for another close reading, to better understand the relationship between the two eldest sisters. We'll read these two chapters:
Volume one, chapter IV
The family is discussing Edward, his character and his possible match with Elinor - the sisters display their personal traits and preferences through their discussion of Edward.
Volume three, chapter X (or Chapter XLVI in one volume)
This is when Marianne is recovering from her illness and she and Elinor finally open up to each other and share each others perspectives .
" ... Marianne asks, “‘…shall we ever talk on that subject, Elinor?...Or will it be wrong? I can talk of it now, I hope, as I ought to do.’ Elinor tenderly invited her to be open”
Join us for a lively discussion on Sunday, October 9th at 2 pm. via Zoom. Watch for your newsletter to get the Zoom link.